
Fylde Conservatives Congratulate Their New Candidate, Andrew Snowden

The chosen Conservative Candidate for Fylde, Andrew Snowden, celebrated his selection today (Saturday 1st June) alongside local Tory supporters and activists (featured photograph). This was predicted earlier this week by Lytham St. Anne’s News – see

The former Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner failed in his recent bid to continue as Commissioner in the May election. He lost out to Labour’s Clive Grunshaw by approximately 34,000 votes.

Today, looking forward to his new role, Snowden (pictured below) has released this statement:

‘I am truly honoured and excited, as a proud Lancastrian, to be selected as the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Fylde.

For the last seven years, as both Lancashire Police Commissioner and as the Lead Member for Highways and Transport on Lancashire County Council, I have already been delivering major investments for Fylde, and I would relish the opportunity to continue that work for you, as your MP.

As Commissioner, I re-opened Fylde’s Police Station to the public, put back the dedicated neighbourhood team my Labour predecessor cut, funded the largest rural policing team in the country with a task force dedicated to Fylde, and have awarded nearly £100k in grants to local community causes across Fylde.

Whilst Lead Member for Highways and Transport, I was a part of the team that got the new Fylde major link roads into the construction phase, and led on the investment into new and improved bus routes across Fylde including the 75, 76, 77, 77A and the Fylde Villager service expansion.

I will hit the ground running, rolling my sleeves up to work with everyone on everything from the concerns about the proposed offshore wind farm and associated cabling and substation plans, the need for a railway loop to increase the rail services from St Annes to half hourly, supporting our rural communities, continuing to get investment in infrastructure and into the town centres, and working with the key sectors such as care, tourism, defence, agriculture and engineering to attract more jobs and funding to the area.

I already have a strong and popular track record of delivering the changes and investments people across Fylde want to see. People can therefore trust that if they vote for me, I will fight for Fylde as I have been doing since 2017, and will work tirelessly for them here in Fylde and in Westminster.

Thank you to everyone at who I have worked with over the past seven years, and who have supported me today.

Let’s now fight for Fylde and follow Fylde Conservatives.’

Snowden has already received messages of support. Fylde Conservatives said, ‘Great to have you with us as our candidate!’ Councillor Andrew Hall said,  ‘Wishing you all the best.’

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